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Home / Rubidoux, California Auto Accident Injury Attorney

Rubidoux Car Accident Attorneys

Heiting & Irwin attorneysLike much of the fast-growing Inland Empire Metropolitan Area, Rubidoux is rapidly changing from a rural area of quarries and dairy farms to an exurb of Riverside. With this growth, the amount of commuters has continued to increase congestion on the roads.

Like all roads in California, the lanes of Rubidoux put you at risk for an auto accident injury.

Heiting & Irwin has handled auto accident cases since 1976, with our own investigator and many experts available to make sure all important facts and information are documented and preserved. We have the resources to properly investigate your Rubidoux claim and to preserve the evidence so that your rights may be protected.

45+ Years Serving the Inland Empire and $500 Million+ Recovered. Car accident victims should call Heiting & Irwin at (951) 682-6400 or complete a contact form as soon as possible as there are strict time limits in which to recover for your damages.

Personal Injury Lawyers Serving Rubidoux

In addition, Heiting & Irwin may assist you with your property damage recovery, obtaining payment of medical bills and car rental reimbursement, all as a courtesy. Strict time limits apply in these cases and can act to bar a claim completely. It is extremely important that we are engaged as soon as possible to enable us to have the opportunity to investigate promptly and thoroughly. Delay can mean lost opportunities and lost evidence. Prompt access and investigation is a must!

A detailed list of what to do after a car accident in Rubidoux, along with a checklist, is available for your convenience. You may want to keep a copy of the checklist in your glove compartment should you unfortunately be in a car accident.

Car accident victims should seek a lawyer as soon as possible as there are strict time limits in which to recover for your damages. With over 100 years of combined experience as car accident lawyers, our clients receive the best representation possible.

Contact our office today to discuss your Rubidoux auto accident injury.