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Who Pays for My Medical Bills if I am Hurt on the Job?

By Heiting & Irwin |

 You got injured on the job, and you want to make sure that you’re going to have insurance coverage pay for your injuries. You don’t have to worry about covering these costs in addition to your normal medical expenses. You can rest assured your bills will be covered.  If you got sick or injured… Read More »

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Are School Shootings Foreseeable?  Can the School Premises be considered a “Dangerous Condition of Public Property” because a school shooting occurs?

By Heiting & Irwin |

You may or may not remember the tragic events that occurred on April 10, 2017.  On that date, Cedric Anderson entered his wife’s elementary classroom (a part of San Bernardino Unified School District) and shot and killed his wife, shot and killed one of her students, shot and injured a student, and then shot… Read More »

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Can an Employer Fire You While on Workers’ Comp in California?

By Heiting & Irwin |

 You were injured on the job, and now you’re on workers’ comp. However, now you’re worried that you could lose your job. Not having an income at this point in your life would be very detrimental. You’re asking: can an employer fire you while on workers’ comp in California? Find out the answer and… Read More »

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What Are the Insurance Requirements for California Commercial Trucks?

By Heiting & Irwin |

 Whether you own a commercial truck or you got into an accident with one, you’d like to know about the insurance requirements for California commercial trucks. You’d like to know what kind of coverage you need or what you’re entitled to if you have a claim against a trucking company. With the help of… Read More »

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By Heiting & Irwin |

How can you, as a client, have the most productive initial consultation with a medical malpractice lawyer? Our office will need to know the date of the incident, names of medical facilities and physicians for the initial consultation. Strict time limitations apply to tort cases. The client is responsible for providing applicable dates to… Read More »

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By Heiting & Irwin |

How can you, as a client, have the most productive initial consultation with a personal injury lawyer? Our office will need to know the date of the accident or other occurrence for the initial consultation. Strict time limitations apply to tort cases. The client is responsible for providing applicable dates to the attorney during… Read More »

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Premises Liability and the Duty to Warn about Open and Obviously Dangerous Conditions

By Heiting & Irwin |

I’ve written many times about how the case of Rowland v. Christian (1968) 69 Cal 2d. 108 established that landowners have a duty to maintain their property in a non-negligent fashion and protect those on their property from foreseeable harm.  A recent case, takes up the issue of foreseeable harm. (see (Montes v. Young… Read More »

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Ease of Zoom Testimony and CCP § 367.75 Not Enough to Defeat Venue and CCP § 397

By Heiting & Irwin |

An extremely tragic case arose when a UCSD student was killed after walking into freeway traffic in early morning hours.  She had been drinking with friends who ordered an Uber for her to go back to her dorm on campus.  During the ride, she vomited in the vehicle and was asked if she wanted… Read More »

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Medical Malpractice Damage Caps Increasing in California

By Heiting & Irwin |

When you go to the doctor, you expect them to take care of you. But what happens when they don’t? What if they make an egregious error? Are they going to be held responsible, or will you be stuck with this burden? If you get a settlement from a medical malpractice suit, you can… Read More »

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Does a No-Fault Accident Go on Your Record in California?

By Heiting & Irwin |

You got into a car accident and perhaps suffered from an injury as well. The thing is that the car accident wasn’t your fault. Now, you’re worried that your insurance rates will go up because you’ve heard about a no-fault accident going on your record in California. By clarifying this policy, you can figure… Read More »

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