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As previously discussed, communication between client and attorney is critical to achieving the best possible result, and attorneys rely upon their clients to provide them with information about changes and developments. Sometimes, failures to communicate in the Workers’ Compensation arena can even result in loss of benefits.

Below is the last of the two-part series written with an eye towards injured workers with attorney representation in a pending Workers’ Compensation matter.

  1. Don’t assume any new symptom or condition is non-related to your claim. Advise the attorney so that the issue or concern may be properly evaluated;
  2. You may even be unaware that pre-existing conditions (eg: high blood pressure or diabetes) can be aggravated or caused by your industrial injury;
  3. Don’t make assumptions! Communicate with your attorney as to even those issues/concerns you think are unrelated or irrelevant – as they may not be;
  4. There is currently, in California, the ability to receive compensation for “overcompensation” injuries. For example, if you injure one knee and, due to a change in the way you walk, you develop problems in the other knee. The same is true with injuring one arm, and developing problems with the other arm. And, overcompensation is not limited to these two (2) examples;
  5. If you are off work due to a work injury, but injure yourself further due to a related circumstance (eg: a fall due to your leg giving way) – let your attorney know;
  6. There are many other ways communication or better yet, the lack thereof, can impact your case and the ultimate benefits and settlement you receive. When in doubt – consult with your attorney.

These suggestions are no substitute for legal advice, however. One of the many benefits of hiring an attorney for your Workers’ Compensation case is getting access to specialized advice based on your particular circumstances.

If you are in need of some help with your Workers’ Compensation case, or someone you know has been injured, we would be happy to provide you with a FREE CONSULTATION. Our office also handles cases involving catastrophic personal injury, medical malpractice, elder abuse, and premises liability, so if you or someone you know is in need of legal help, please give us a call at (951) 682-6400.

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