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Tag Archives: premise liability

Hot Air Balloon Explosion in Riverside County Injures Four

By Heiting & Irwin |

Riding in a hot-air balloon is on the bucket list of many people. Something about the magic of flying, the swirl of color above them, and the gentleness of floating draws many tourists, thrill-seekers, and photographers to balloons around California each year. Like all modes of transportation, however, even recreational vehicles like hot-air balloons… Read More »

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By Heiting & Irwin |

Most patients who are effected by medical malpractice, or medical negligence, never imagined they would one day be “plaintiffs” in a lawsuit. Any delay in realizing that medical negligence may have occurred, and that legal representation may be necessary, can have negative impacts on a patient’s ability to fully recover for the harms caused… Read More »

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By Heiting & Irwin |

As previously discussed, communication between client and attorney is critical to achieving the best possible result, and attorneys rely upon their clients to provide them with information about changes and developments. Sometimes, failures to communicate in the Workers’ Compensation arena can even result in loss of benefits. Below is the last of the two-part… Read More »

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L.L. Bean Stools Pose Slip and Fall Hazard

By Heiting & Irwin |

Slip and fall injuries can impact your entire life, keeping you from working, enjoying your hobbies, and even from doing household chores. Many clients I see are distraught due to the fact that their slip and fall injury came through no fault of their own, but instead from the negligence of another person or… Read More »

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Riverside City Council Votes on Pit Bull Sterilization Law

By Heiting & Irwin |

As a personal injury attorney in Riverside, California, I’ve seen many clients who have been attacked or bitten by animals, mainly dogs. These often-severe injuries can leave the victim with life-altering disabilities in addition to a fear of animals that could follow them their entire life. Fair or not, pit bulls are often believed… Read More »

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NFL Workers’ Compensation Claims a Problem for California

By Heiting & Irwin |

The NFL is by far the most popular professional sports league in the United States today, with a continually growing fan base that is starting to stretch even beyond our nation’s borders. Unfortunately, the intense physical nature of the game is leading to health complications for players later in life. Brain injuries from the… Read More »

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By Heiting & Irwin |

Far too many potential clients contact our office after the applicable statute of limitations has already run. A statute is a law; a statute of limitations (SOL) is the law governing the time-frame in which a lawsuit or action must be filed. If you, a person whose rights have been violated and who might… Read More »

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By Heiting & Irwin |

One of the most important components of any successful case is communication between client and attorney. Attorneys rely upon their clients to provide them with important information about changes, developments, and other updates, and failures to communicate in the Workers’ Compensation arena can even result in the loss of benefits. The following suggestions are… Read More »

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New York legislation could impact bowling alley slip and fall accidents

By Heiting & Irwin |

As experienced lawyers in a law firm that began in 1976, we’ve seen our share of interesting legislation with regard to slip and fall accidents. A new bill that recently caught our eye, however, is a piece of New York state legislation covered by the New York Daily News. The bill would exempt bowling… Read More »

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Primary Assumption of the Risk in “Sports” Cases

By Heiting & Irwin |

Since the landmark case, Knight v. Jewett (1992) 3 Cal 4th, 296, it has been held in California that the primary assumption of risk doctrine applies to those whom participate in sports. The Knight case involved a group of friends playing touch football during half time of the 1987 Super Bowl. While jumping up… Read More »

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