What Are My Options For My Personal Injury Case?
Hi, my name is Richard Irwin of the law firm Heiting and Irwin.
There are six critical questions for anyone who is interested in hiring a personal injury attorney. The fifth question has to do with, what are my options? To know your options, the attorney has to know the very specifics about your case‑‑the facts involved, your damages, what your claim is all about.
In that regard, the attorney will advise you as to the specific and critical time limits on your case and also ask you questions that will tell him what jurisdiction you should file in, whether it be small claims court, municipal court, or superior court.
Heiting and Irwin is a very experienced and focused law firm. We’ve been in business for over 30 years, and we have several attorneys that can help you answer these questions. If you or someone you know needs help with regard to any of these questions, please call us at 951‑682‑6400.